AO: Night Train (Closed)

When: 02/29/2024


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Amber Alert, Butt of the Elf?, Captain Underpants, Casper, Clueless, Farm Country, Good Hands, Gumball, Happy E., Knievel, Skittles, SPLISH SPLASH, Vinyl, Westside,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Good Hands

Bobby Hurleys
Tumble weeds

THE THANG: Partners—start with 10 brupees; one goes one way around the loop and the other goes the other way; when meet 10 jump squat high-fives; 3 laps
2 teams on field; everyone broad jumps to end to get a penny—brings it back to a bucket; team with the most pennies wins
Team tug-a-war
Team jump rope with long climbing rope
4 box jumps/29 step ups—repeat 4 times
Penny throw—everyone in a circle; one pax decides on exercise then throws a penny towards the bucket—if it goes in 4 of the exercise; if misses 29 of the exercises.

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