AO: Stockyard
When: 11/22/2022
Number of Pax: 11
Pax Names: Big Papi, Canoe, Daisie, Jack Bauer, Mouserat, Picanha, Python, Sackful, Tapps, Tinfoil, Wastewater,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Tinfoil
Mosey around parking lot and quick warmorama
Set up on one island in the parking lot and did exercised followed by movement to island on opposite side of lot
Round 1
2 x (10 OH Press / Farmers Carry / Sprint Back / 20 Big Boys / Sprint back )
Round 2
2 x (Plank rows 10 each arm / One arm OH carry / Sprint back / 20 Freddy Mercuries / Sprint Back)
Round 3
2x (10 Chest Pass / Lung walk / Sprint back / Flutter kicks / Sprint back)
Sumo squat ring of fire