AO: Blacktop

When: 10/27/2023


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Coco, Copper, Dance Fighter, koi, Lt. Dan, Topless, Turtlehead, Uncle Dick, Wastewater,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Paw Patrol

QIC: Copper

Mosey to southwest corner of parking lot.
Weed pickers
Copperhead squats
Copperhead merkins
Michael Phelps
Sun gods
1 Burpee (forgot the one burpee so did it later in the BD)

Mosey to the north end of parking lot to the coupon stash.
Curls on one end, carry the coupon with you (thanks @Uncle Dick ), goblet squats on the other end.
Paused half way through for ring of fire. Flutters with six inches and then merkins with planks. I’m surprised we’re not still there with @Coco ‘s super slow merkins.

Moseyed back to the vehicles.
Four corners
5 pull-ups on @Koi ’s bumper humper. Wastewater brought out a sandbag for some bent over rows as an alternative.
10 squat jumps
15 merkins
20 squats

At this point I knew we were going to lose our FNG.

YHC called recover after a few rounds and we moseyed to the second crosswalk.
100 squats
100 big boys

YHC called for Mary. @coco said burpees (which is not Mary) I had forgotten to do the one traditional Blacktop burpee during WOR so we did one. Then we did Alabama prom dates and crunchy frog.

Then we moseyed back to the flag.

Countoff, name o’rama, 6th man, FNG naming, announcements, prayer requests and ball of man happened. FNG was named Paw Patrol.

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