AO: Kodiak

When: 07/25/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Dory, Duggar, Harp, Legionnaire, Misty, Miyagi, Rest Stop,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dory

So I thought to myself…do I really need to write up a weinke?  I mean, I’ve got a couple of routines that should eat up most if not all of 45 minutes, certainly I should be able to remember that…right! Well…


We headed into the stadium because we can still use it for a full beatdown until school start and the varsity teams start exercising in there at like 5:45 it seems.  Circled up on near end of track for a standard warmup of SSH, Hill Billie’s, Weed Pickers, etc.

The Thang

First up was a routine consisting of 4 laps around the track. For each lap, PAX perform the following:

  • 25 yard bear crawl on each straightaway
  • 20 BBSU in the far end
  • 20 Merican Hammers at the near end

Next up was 3x of a pretty straight forward set of exercises:

  • 50 SSH
  • 40 Squats
  • 30 Walking Lunges
  • 20 BBSU
  • 10 Merkins

Now that I write it up, it looks so simple…but the PAX can attest I struggled to remember during the beatdown!


Got back to the flag with less than a minute to spare so we got in some box cutters before we hit time

Naked Man Moleskin

Apparently Fudd has quite a reputation for calling the same exercise over and over.  I was impressed to have Rest Stop and Misty attend Kodiak over THL but learned they (also including Duggar) were waiting for Fudd to redeem himself! Based on what I read on Slack, Fudd gave em a good one at THL on Monday!

It goes without saying that Duggar enjoys music during a beatdown.  I can barely hear it but Duggar can recite every Artist and Song that has been played at any point. He was quick to point out I had 2 INXS and 2 Cure songs back to back. I have to admit that I put the song list together in under 2 min.

There is an AWESOME Go-Ruck event in Sept. Hombre and Bloodhound are putting on their next 1/2 in Sept. Misty has a marathon planned in Woodmont in Sept.


Prayed for Tooltime and his prostate surgery recovery. We have Woody speaking at 3rd F on Friday.

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