12/23/2024 - Kodiak - Tree of Gifts

WARMUP: Lap around parking lot with a normal set of exercises afterwards. THE THANG: Head to front stadium for a Christmas Tree of gifts. Start at the bottom of the…

11/27/2024 - Kodiak - Smoke Turkey Hodgepodge

WARMUP: Circled up for normal warm-o-rama. Sun Gods were celebrated with much joy! THE THANG: Today was based on everyone’s favorite (okay, loosely based on everyone’s favorites). Headed to field…

11/18/2024 - Kodiak - Welcome Back H.A.R.P

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking and then back to pickup Lunchbag. Rumor has it a very crisp and accurate disclaimer was delivered PRIOR to Lunchbag joining us. Typical warm-o-rama to…