AO: Lions Den

When: 04/09/2024


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Barrel Monkey, Charmin, Chops, Chubbs, Diners Club, Hartford, Ice T, Odd Job, Spicoli, Tinfoil,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Oddjob

WARMUP: Led by Chubbs – wet weed pickers, tumbleweeds and SSH’s along with other goodies to acclimate us to the brutal elements.  
THE THANG:   Hartford takes the lead, tossing a life preserver to rescue us before drowning.  Under cover of FMS we accomplish 3 sets of upper body movements, 3 sets of lower, a soggy lap after each.  Chops and Charmin lead us in some flutters, Jane Chanucks and sumo squat arm raise things.  Randomness at its best!!! Tinfoil gets in on the action. Diamond merkins, bear crawls and lunges.  
MARY:  Ring of fire.  
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  SFN race and participation.  22 for 22 event next month.  
COT:   Charmin shared.   Grateful for F3, but desires to see more personal results.  YHC appreciated the honesty.  Keep after it Charmin!  
“We’re responsible for being faithful, God is responsible for making us fruitful” – Great word from Chubbs.  
Are we being faithful with our responsibilities as a HIM?  Faithful to ourselves? Family? Community?  
YHC believes we don’t always see the positive impact we make.  Perhaps, that keeps us humble and hungry…

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