AO: Hurt Locker
When: 01/13/2025
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names: Babyface, Bloodhound, Leaky, MattressKing (Formerly Pella), Misty, Olan Mills, Rest Stop,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Rest Stop
WARMUP: Ran down to the turf field, circled up and did the usual, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Weed Pickers, Good Mornings and finished with a mosey while doing MPs to the goal line.
THE THANG: #1 – Sprint to 47 YL and do 47 merkins; mosey back to GL. Sprint to other 47 YL and do 47 BBS.
THANG #2 – Burpicides; run to 10 YL, 1 burpee, run back to GL; run to 20 YL, 2 Burpees and back to GL…going the entire length of the field to where we finished up with 10 burpees at the 10 YL.
THANG # 3 – Starting at the 1st light pole in the parking lot, made our way to The Buzz. At each light pole, we did 11s. 1st pole, 4 LBCs and 7 Mtn Climbers (kodiak). Next light pole, 5 LBCs & 6 MCs. At The Buzz we finished with 10 LBCs and 1 MC.
THANG #4 – Buzz Patio – Using the chairs, 47 OH Presses, then Lap around The Buzz. Said Good morning to the FIAs. 47 curls, lap and then finished w/ 47 dips and then lap.
THANG #5 – 11’s at the Playground. 4 Pull-Ups and 7 Step-ups (Kodiak); 5 pull-ups and 6 step-ups. Ran out of time before we could finish.
MARY: Yup – Babyface led us in a round of American Hammers and Olan got us to do 1 flutter kick before time expired; 0615.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NLB being led by Triad this weekend.
COT: Prayers for Hopper and his family, Prayers for Bloodhounds procedure, and those in LA.
Coffeteria at RaceTrac!
Great time “celebrating” my 47th bday this morning. Getting old sucks but I am definitely better off with my F3 brothers in my life. In my 20s, if you would have said I would be waking up at 4am to go run and workout on my 47th birthday, you would have been crazy. Thank you all for the accountability, the push to be better, and the camaraderie. Oh, and thank you Misty for the Zebra Cake!