AO: Oz

When: 12/05/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Backdraft, Blowpop, Boondock, Cannonball, Hustler, Pie Bar, Rug Burn,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pie Bar

YHC was finally able to do a 44th birthday Q after being injured his birthday week

The Thang: Perform 44 cumulative reps of the following: burpees; merkins; leg lifts; BBS; step ups; PB taps. PAX had to run one lap around Blankets parking lot, then perform exercises. PAX could do exercises in any order and could mix and match. PAX could only do 22 combined reps per stop (so 22 reps per lap). With 10 minutes left we finished up and ran two laps together. During first lap we stopped at each corner and performed 11 merkins for a total of 44. Then did the same for second lap, but with flutter kicks.

COT: Standard COT with prayers to Sky Q

FN1: Chicken Fight and Ring Pop were present

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