06/05/2023 - Oz - 50s
So, I spent half the day yesterday trying to figure out a workout for this morning. I went to bed thinking I was satisfied with the workout I had to…
So, I spent half the day yesterday trying to figure out a workout for this morning. I went to bed thinking I was satisfied with the workout I had to…
Copper Q: Slab 4/6/23 Anniversary Q 6 of 8 Warm o’rama Mosey to top cul-de-sac SSH Windmills Weedpickers Sun gods Michael Phelps The Appetizer Big boy sit ups at…
Copper Q: Anniversary week Q: 3 of 8 Warm o’rama SSH Hillbilly walkers Sun gods Michael Phelps The Thang Was pretty straightforward, each PAX grabbed a coupon (the Big…
Pax mozied around the parking lot and did some warm ups of SSH, Weedpickers, Hillbilly walkers, Arm circles, Phelps etc. Did sets of 11s with a run across the frozen…
Gunners – for the Valentine’s Day massacre box of chocolates – random exercises listed on valentines cards x’s and o’s L- lunges O-overhead claps V- v ups E – elbow…
January 2, 1788- Georgia ratifies the US Constitution. In that case, let’s honor that with some Georgia trivia and a playlist of only artists from Georgia. Ray Charles to Stuck…
23*F outside. started with moseying to get the body heat going. warm up Got through 3 rounds of the 12 excercises of Christmas, then opened special packages filled with even…
YHC was finally able to do a 44th birthday Q after being injured his birthday week The Thang: Perform 44 cumulative reps of the following: burpees; merkins; leg lifts; BBS;…
Plus the lost boys Ringpop and Chickenfight Warm-o-rama YHC decided to mix things up and mosey out to the street, up to the hill entrance, and back around to the…
Ringpop asked me if there was going to be much running in the BD, and I said, “Above average amount.” It became our mantra, and ultimately I think I can…