AO: Murph City

When: 12/05/2023


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Chick Magnet, Glamour Shots, Grimace, Rojas, Saluki, Snow White, Sooorie, Trill,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: grimace

Usual suspects—it was a chilly one

12 Days of Christmas (we sledded down the hill for travel—pax took turns)

Day 1 = run up the hill
Day 2 = merkins
Day 3 = Squats
Day 4 = Pull ups
Day 5 = flutter kicks double count
Day 6 = LBCs
Day 7 = BBS
Day 8 = Crunchy Frogs
Day 9 = Mountain Climbers
Day 10 = Carolina Dry Docks
Day 11 = Mike Tyson’s
Day 12 = V Ups

Then moseyed to the main road and partnered up—partner worked while other partners Bernie’d to sign and moseyed back:

Cumulative 100 merkins between partners
Cumulative 200 squats between partners


Passing of the flag to Trill—looking forward to seeing where you take it this year bro!

Prayers for all the baby’s on the way and the Ms!

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