AO: Blacktop

When: 07/21/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Brad Pitt, Exile, koi, Ratchet, Topless, Turtlehead, Uncle Dick,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Exile

Mosey around the lot, welcome/disclaimer
Side Strad-NOPE
Sprint chase Ratchet back to the Startex
Finish Warm-o-Rama under the awning where we *shouldn’t* be struck by lightning

Circle of pull-ups. All do continuous SEH while one PAX leaves the circle to complete 5 pull-ups, until each have taken a turn. Repeat with flutter kicks and pull-ups.

Lap the parking lot

Bropees, pulsing lunges, broMerkins, copperhead squats

Lap the parking lot

6 minutes of Mary, pull-up failure edition
Group performs traditional 6-min Mary, except for one PAX at a time performing pull-ups and then negatives to failure, then tagging in the next PAX

@koi to Q the 0500 workout next Friday at the Harmony On The Lakes clubhouse

The DRP is the Daily Red Pill 💊
This is the daily discipline of training our physical body alongside other men for the purpose of accelerating our overall fitness, including our mental and emotional health.

DRP is our antidote to selfishness, fatigue, isolation

Some of the fruit of this daily discipline is also listed  in scripture as the fruit of the spirit. We acclimate to discomfort and challenge by training ourselves daily in challenging uncomfortable ways. This prepares us to face difficult moments in life with calm and wisdom rather than impulsivity and fear. This is ESPECIALLY important in moments of high stress and interacting with our children.

Prepare, train with other men, and see if you don’t grow in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self control in your daily life and in your relationships.

No one else can do it for you.
And no one can stop you if you are determined

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