01/05/2024 - 3rd F - F1 – Disruption

“Leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less.” A virtuous leader will disrupt the status quo in order to initiate movement to advantage. He does this not for his own advantage,…

12/01/2023 - 3rd F - Pear Bear

Mosey, sun gods, Michael Phelps, tri stretch, weed pickers explanation of Q for father n law Perry “Pear Bear” Davis who had heart surgery. Triangle of cones 10yrds per leg…

04/25/2023 - 3rd F - Copper Q 4/25/23

We ran, we exercised at each light post, we ran back and exercised at each light post on the way back. It was great, you should have been there. We…

06/01/2023 - 3rd F - Paver Pain

05:30 Let’s Mosey.  Core Principals, Mission Statement and Credo review.  Next, warmorama including ssh, imperial walkers, copper head squats, weed pickers, arm circles and Michael Phelps.  Then mosey with 1…

05/10/2023 - 3rd F - Ring around the Mosey

Started out with a meandering mosey quickly followed by a rollicking rendition of warm-o-rama where the pace changed and the cadence changed frequently. PAX were confused…but in a good way.…

05/06/2023 - 3rd F - CB Randoramo

Randorama Pie Bar led the mosey to the middle of the field.  Then Cookie N Cream led the warm up.  Which included side straddle hops, squats, merkins, weedpickers, and sun…

04/28/2023 - 3rd F - SMR

There are two types of men. Doers and not doers.  21 Brave souls were Doers and took on the 22,000 plus feet of elevation over 207.82 miles of Smokey Mountains.…

04/11/2023 - 3rd F - The Zoo

WOR Black snake Seal jacks Copperhead squat Copperhead merkin Bat Wings The Thang – Zoo 4 corners Bear crawl to corner 1 Fox holes Duck walk to corner 2 Crunchy…