05/10/2022 - Lions Den - KB (er…coupon) Beatdown
Mosey to Liberty Bus Lanes and Warmo The Thang: Partner up. P1 does exercise with coupon while P2 holds plank. Flapjack then move onto next exercise in circuit. Start with…
Mosey to Liberty Bus Lanes and Warmo The Thang: Partner up. P1 does exercise with coupon while P2 holds plank. Flapjack then move onto next exercise in circuit. Start with…
YHC is from Bama. Talladega is/was an amazing Americana experience �. Hosting a lil celebration of YHCs recent 50th birthday with “Talladega” lap around the bus lanes followed by 50…
Also in attendance Alamo and Train-Rex Mosey: shortest mosey as we only moved 2 parking spaces away from the flag Standard Warmup 5 Minute Plank Challenge Tabata style: 1 min…
(including Alamo, Gutenberg, Piano Man) Mosey to bottom parking lot WOR- SSH, Weed Pickers, Sun Gods, Wind Mills, Michael Phelps Thang- **TEAM COUPON DAY** We paired off in 9 groups…
Who’s Q? Oh, mine? Ok. You’re allowed to forget you have the Q once. I got mine out of the way. But I heard enough grumbling and huffing’ to know…