08/31/2020 - Clinic - IPC – Week #1

Iron Pax Week #1. https://f3greenwood.com/2020/08/30/2020-ironpax-challenge-week-1/ It hurt. Smurfette was a machine and finished at around 35 minutes. COT – prayers for Sgt. Slaughter’s aunt and Stopwatch’s

08/26/2020 - Clinic - Catch some 11’s

Warmarama long mosey to the Canyons parking lot.  SSHs, Weed Pickers, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Windmills, Copperhead Merkins and squats. The Thang Catch me if you can.  Partner Up. P1…

08/12/2020 - Clinic - Group Project

Mosey up the stairs and back, finishing on the stage with 50 SSH’s, a few WP’s, Merkins, and some instruction on the 5 Core Values: F3 workouts are always: Free…

08/11/2020 - Flying V - Birthday Run

YHC’s birthday was today!! Route was to begin at Canyons, run down Arnold Mill towards Neese Rd, turn right at the first rd, Park Place, follow all the way back…

07/23/2020 - Flying J - The turkey foot

Leave canyons and go north on main street to roundabout, take a right onto haney.  Run down haney and take second right onto hathaway and run down the hill and…

07/28/2020 - Flying V - Pass The Flag

Coming in hot. classic Lawdog move run this way then that way…… no one got lost. 3 – bike riders, rode I-75 to Atlanta and back 2 – ruckers ,…

07/19/2020 - Vineyard - Last minute Q

Warm-a-Rama: SSH x 25, Weedpicker x 10, Sun Gods OYO, Phelps OYO The Thang: Dora OYO – 100 Merkins, 200 BBS, 300 Squats – run to the light pole and…

07/14/2020 - Flying V - Flag to Flag run

Flag to Flag run approximately 4.4 miles. COT – Prayers for Miata and his family as he heads out for basic training for the air national guard.Lexi’s M for the…