10/07/2023 - Black Ops - Woodmont Marathon part deux
THE THANG: 26.2 miles on the hills of
THE THANG: 26.2 miles on the hills of
WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, Weed Pickers, Windmills, Michael Phelps OYO THE THANG: 1981 Themed Jeopardy (all things from 1981). In 3 teams, PAX would compete against each other by answering trivia…
WARMUP: PR 6 mile THE THANG: Curtis Farm Loop 5 miles MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Holiday Lights of Hope COT: Yogi’s dad, LawDog’s father in law, Pella’s M, Manning’s boo-boo on his
WARMUP: FMB Bassakwards the call (always) of windmills, weedpickers, and sungods. THE THANG: Four bases, each w. an AMRAP exercise except home where the batter does 15 burpees, yells “hit”…
WARMUP: Weed pickers, imperial walkers, good mornings, goof balls, sun gods and Michael phelps THE THANG: 4 corner escalator with squats, merkins, big bois, and flutter kicks; Lt Dan; run…
WARMUP: Mosey the perimeter of the property THE THANG: Slingshot style at 4 pain stations , rotating out PT. Mode of traversal: Bear Crawls , Indian Run. PT MVP: Merkins…
WARMUP: Mosey, weed pickers, windmills, good mornings, sun gods. THE THAN: Partner bus lanes – 1 pax runs down to a lane and does an exercise while other does squats…
WARMUP: None THE THANG: Run a 10k (and mumblechatter about ultras). MARY: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: None COT:
WARMUP: 1 SSH and some other exercises THE THANG: AMRAP exercises, some thunderstruck and a nice stretch at the end ANNOUNCEMENTS: B(H)BB&B 10/17 COT: no flag, no coffee, but a…