AO: Kodiak
When: 09/25/2023
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names: Dory, Fire Marshal Bill (FMB), Misty, Olan Mills, Pella, Rest Stop,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Pella
WARMUP: Mosey, weed pickers, windmills, good mornings, sun gods.
THE THAN: Partner bus lanes – 1 pax runs down to a lane and does an exercise while other does squats AMRAP. Lane exercises were odds big boy sit-ups, evens Merkins.
Table for two – one partner starts with 30 step ups, 30 incline Merkens and 30 dips while the other does Burpees/LBCs AMRAP, then switch. Decrease reps by 5 each time.
MARY: Flutter Kicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Last man standing race at Boling on 10/14. Holiday Lights of Hope & SFN.