AO: Blacktop

When: 05/31/2024


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: koi, Panhandle, RCcola, Spaceballs, Tenderloin, Tinfoil, Uncle Dick,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Alstott Buchannon

QIC: Panhandle

WARMUP: mosey, ssh, good mornings, merkins
Escalator Burpees
Butkis escalators
Wind Sprints x4 with a plank hold
DORA 1-2-2
100 bonnie blairs while Partner bear crawls to a point and crawl bears back
200 star jumps while Partner broad jumps to point and bernie’s back
200 stump jumpers while Partner bernie’s to a point and mosey back
Mary for the 6

TubThumping sucks

Find partner again and sit down back to back, lock arms and push each other up like a turkish get up – 2 min

mosey to flag
MARY: Tinfoil – box cutters, SpaceBalls – LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Beer 10k, 4th of July convergence, A$$ Csaup
COT: Prayers for Spaceballs’ family, Westside

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