AO: Lions Den

When: 11/26/2024


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Arrid, Barrel Monkey, Charmin, Chops, Diners Club, Hard Drive, Ice T, JackBauer (JB), Magnum, Push It,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Charmin

WoR: Pretty standard
(3) SSH
(10) Copperhead Squats
(OYO) Sun Gods
(OYO) Michael Phelps

The Thang:
Turkey Tabata Exercises: 1.5 minutes of work, 15-second transition break
– Squats
– Merkins
– Flutter Kicks
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Imperial Walkers
– Freddie Mercuries

Ring of Fire: Hold plank, going clockwise, when it’s your turn, one merkin, say your favorite Thanksgiving Day tradition, another merkin and resume plank.

Turkey Tabata Exercises: 1.5 minutes of work, 30-second transition break
– Squats
– Merkins
– Flutter Kicks
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Imperial Walkers
– Freddie Mercuries

Ring of Fire: Hold Air Chair, going clockwise, when it’s your turn, standup, and resume airchair, say your favorite Thanksgiving Day tradition, then standup and resume airchair.

Ring of Fire: Hold Air Chair, going clockwise, when it’s your turn, standup, and resume airchair, say whether you’re a leg man or a breast man, then standup and resume airchair.

MARY: Nope.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Thanksgiving Day beatdown, moved to Catbox with football and feast with traditional Guinness following the beatdown. 2) Hobgood, Holiday Lights for Hope, a lot of help still needed.

COT: Chops was 6 man, spoke about his appreciation of PAX, then IceT prayed us out – spoken and unspoken prayers.

Playlist (*I admittedly/stupidly left off Adam Sandler’s Thanksgiving Day Song):

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