AO: Arena

When: 10/21/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Exile, Geek Squad, Jack Bauer, Maaco, Picanha, Tinfoil,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Tinfoil

Arena 10/21


20 monkey humpers @ bathrooms while JB sat on his throne doing “paper work”

Rifle carry coupons to utility parking lot

Start with run ( loop plus access drive = .6mile)

Then movement with the coupon. Rinse and repeat in the following order

Squats x 50

Curls x 50

Thruster x 25

Blockies x 20

Return blocks then had a couple laps of Indian run around the parking lot followed by 2-3 min of Mary

Prayers for doughboy’s M and child during delivery

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