AO: Happy Jack
When: 01/04/2024
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names: Bronco, C4, Harp, Hombre, Homeboy, LawDog, Rosetta, White Claw, Woody,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: LawDog
Beautiful Cold Morning for a glorious day in the North. Where the hell is Hombre and White Claw. Oh wait there’s Bronco. Let’s mosey. Warmup and then a beatdown of a bunch of pearls on a string.
White Claw was complaining about not repeating sets before we ran on. Maybe if he showed up on time he would have done 125 various merkins too.
Homeboy was ye of little faith. Guarantee was reached without even cutting it close.
Hombre got in at least 10 minutes extra sleep. He too complained at the limited number of sets. Maybe he should have added what he missed. However he did bring Rosetta out so YHC will cut him a little slack.
Ranger was almost hit by a car. I am 98% sure Manning paid that guy to take him out but Ranger was no fool and darted out of the way laughing.
Woody luckily has been F3Cherokee Redwood and knew what he was in for, but I am pretty sure Hombre asked him to purge slack of all the guys who ain’t posting.
C4 is still impressed with Bronco’s skipping skills and YHC got Mickey Ds management to grant permission for the jump rope demonstration to be conducted.
Harp still looks like he use to break fingers and legs in the Mafia when he where’s his cold weather gear.
All in all a great day for F3!!!!