AO: Pineapple Express

When: 03/01/2023


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Coco, Copper, Couch Fire, koi, Tenderloin, The Count, Turtlehead, Wally,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Tenderloin

We ran the half loop dwelling, then went to mosquito flat and did tempo runs. We got 5 miles in at a pace of ~10:30/Mile. Ended in stretching at home base.

Koi has been pretty feisty about the lack of mumble chatter that he brought his headphones to listen to music. So like any good Q I required him to tell us a story. He started by walking us through this movement of revivals that is going on in different college towns. In one college town where 6,000 students go to school 70,000 people showed up for a week long worship. Their was not enough places to park cars, for people to stay, and eventually got shut down. However, during this time a student asked the question “Do you believe God can raise people from the dead?”. Everyone raised their hands to show yes, they believe that he can. The follow up question “Should we all pray right now to have God raise X person who recently died earlier that week?”. No hands went up, and everyone looked around.

Brings an interesting question, what would have happened if everyone jumped on board? Would this have been seen as Gods will and might? Or would it be seen a demonic Satanism?

It was an interesting proposition and one that I will need to think through. Please reply to this with your own thoughts.


COT- Prayers/announcements given

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