AO: League
When: 06/15/2024
Number of Pax: 26
Pax Names: Brimstone, Coleman, DOODLE, Dowry, el BaƱo, Fontaine, Foxtrot, Garfield, Hidden Valley, Jhorts, koi, Legolas, Luka, Mr. Rogers, Mudflap, Myrtle, P-body, Panhandle, Pony Boy, Prodigy, Ringo, Scoby, Show Pony, Spock, Tabletop, Westside,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Mr. Rogers
Glorious morning yesterday getting to see everybody out there! Good numbers even though I think I’m missing two guys in the count. MVP went to Scoby. Great to see Brimstone again. Welcome back to Showpony after having Baby # 4 too.