AO: Murph City
When: 08/15/2023
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names: Charleston Chew, Clinch, Grimace, Saluki, Snow White, Soft Spot, Trill,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Trill
WARMUP: light mosey, suns & Phelps, slow wind mills, ssh
THE THANG: round 1: 50 pull ups, 100 merkins, 150 squats. Intermission: at the circular bench dips, derkins, inclines while one pax bear crawls around until all pax complete crawl. Round 2: in lieu of running we blasted the hip flexors with 250 flutter kicks, 250 mountain climbers along with another 25 pull ups.
We jammed out to YHC light up speaker listening to a range of patriotic to Christian music…. As faith and inspiration got us through those 75 pull ups.
MARY: trill- 10 burpees IC, Saluki- American hammers IC, Grimance- lbc’s oyo
ANNOUNCEMENTS: honored SGT first class army ranger Christopher Celiz from South Carolina and based out of GA. Killed in action saving others during war on terror in 2018 at the age of 32.
COT: prayers for the spoken and unspoken. Serenity prayer.