AO: Radio Silence

When: 03/07/2024


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Blarney, CP, Hustler, Mongoose, P-body, Paper jam, Sooorie, Spicoli, The Count,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: The Count

WARMUP: mosey around tennis court, then 15 reps of Hillbilly walkers, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats, mountain climbers, 8 reps of weed pickers, then sun gods and MPs OYO


Split into 2 teams, count off, and perform modified DORA:

PAX 1 does exercise
PAX 2 rebounds
PAX 3 shoots free throws (keep track)
Remaining PAX take a lap around roundabout
and switch when “last” PAX gets back…

Last PAX does exercise
PAX 1 rebounds
PAX 2 shoots
Remaining PAX runs lap

Total of 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBCs

Half is over when a team completes all exercises.

Score at halftime:
Team 1 — 26
Team 2 — 29 (or was it 39? Or 40? Apparently, they had “counting” issues)

For Halftime entertainment, each team picked one person to step up and make a free throw, while remaining PAX did Bobby Hurleys. First person to make shot and ring the bell at center court wins. Losing team does 10 CDDs or 20 monkey humpers. Each person had an opportunity to shoot for their team. Team 2 won 4 out of 5 rounds.

For 2nd half, teams switched sides and balls and repeated modified DORA.

Final score:
Team 1 — 80
Team 2 — 60

Mosey back to flag

MARY: what about her?

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Limitless 5k, 3rd F breakfast at the Slab on 3/15

COT: Awesome P-body was 6th man. Pray for him to focus and stay committed. Pray for PJ’s dad and to get proper nutrition. Pray for God to use CP and his M to impart godly wisdom to couples.

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