AO: Clinic
When: 12/21/2022
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names: Barbossa, Butterfly, Dufresne, Glamour Shots, Lasso, Misc., Scotchguard, Snow White,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bagger
10 men met up in the cold gloom to help celebrate Bagger’s 52nd birthday. We moseyed up and down the steps of the audience area of the amphitheater and came full circle to the stage to jump into a warm-a-rama:
Side Straddle Hops, Weed Pickers, Windmills, Hillbillies, Copperhead Squats, Merkins, Sun Gods, and Michael Phelps.
The Thang:
We partnered up and jumped off the stage to use the sidewalks for as our paths of punishment. First segment was Bear Crawls to the corner. Lunge Walks to the next corner. Then partners knocked out 10 Brokins before Crab Walking back to the stage. Lots of mumble chatter about the Crab Walks. Maybe not a Clinic staple? Note to self.
We ran back on stage and in celebration of Bagger’s 52 rotations around the sun, we cranked out 52 Big Boy Sit Ups, partner-style.
We jumped off the stage and mixed up a combination of Bear Crawls, Lunge Walks, Super Marios, and Crab Walks around the corners. We rounded the bases and ended up on stage four more times for 52 Squats, 52 LBCs, 52 Mountain Climbers, and 52 Flutter Kicks.
We ended the beatdown with a series of stretches. Some of the PAX were flat out touching their toes. Color Q impressed with the limberosity of the guys in the circle. Big shout out to Weasley (sp?) for hangin’ with the PAX and representing the Shots family name.
Circle of Trust. We gave thanks for the morning, the ability to get out and work out with each other, and our overall health (and that we never take it for granted). We prayed for the men of F3; for their leadership of their families and influence over others in this holiday season.
Glamour Shots was the hero of the morning with Dunkin’ coffee. We had great bit of coffeeteria talking politics, faith, and how cold it was going to be at the Chatterbox on Saturday morning.