AO: Apex
When: 02/08/2024
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names: Canoe, Duster, Exile, Finkle, Mr Sparky, Picanha, Tinfoil, Treadmill,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Picanha
WARMUP: Ssh iw wm
20 squats with suicide run in between to the light poles getting further ever rep X 4
Hold air chair for 6
15 hand release merkins with suicide run in between to light poles getting further ever rep X 4
Hold plank for 6
20 Big Boys with suicide run in between to light poles getting further ever rep X 4
Hold plank for 6
Bear crawl to first light pole, crab walk to second crawl bear to 3 and reverse crab walk to 4th. Mosey to the flag squat jumps till 6:15
MARY: squats jumps
ANNOUNCEMENTS: guns and hoses
COT: prayers for finkle who lost a friend and coworker on the line of duty.