06/03/2020 - Rattlesnake Riviera - Urban tour of Canton Mill Complex
Great ruck around Canton. QIC first time hosting RR when Orvis & Miyagi post. SS brought a Cartersville based FNG. Named him GLOW (Glamorous Ladies of Wrestling) because he’s a…
Great ruck around Canton. QIC first time hosting RR when Orvis & Miyagi post. SS brought a Cartersville based FNG. Named him GLOW (Glamorous Ladies of Wrestling) because he’s a…
7 of us met in downtown Canton to knock out a Murph Ruck. What is a Murph Ruck, you ask? 1 mile ruck 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 squats 1…
YHC was up and rolling at 0400 to make coffee, make the drive up to Canton, cruise the planned route, and get in a brief pre-ruck. Chops and Hasbro arrived…
Relo the Riviera AO to downtown Canton for year 2. Rendezvous point is on Square across from white marble old courthouse. ShortCircuit a bit worried about shin splints, so detour…
The Thang: Rain, rain, and more rain so we redezvoused at the front of Boling to avoid our vehicles getting washed away by the river. We rucked the sidewalk up…
Intro: Mammoth rain lately so YHC audibles to downtown Canton since Boling is likely flooded. Warm-o-Rama: Meet at the historical, marble Cherokee County Courthouse then ruck over to circular sidewalk…
Intro: … It feels like the very first time. This was YHC’s VQ. Warm-o-Rama: Biebs vows to give Papa Roach a hard time for fartsacking. Chops calls our attention the…
Intro: So I’m a week late getting a backblast up. It’s OK; At least it got done… Warm-o-Rama: The Thang: The 4 of us took to the trail out…