01/25/2025 - WarTowne - The Morning Mayhem
Conditions: A brisk 20° perfect weather to get better! Warm-Up (WOR): Indian run to the football field (Maaco tried turning it into the Olympics, apparently). – 20 SSH IC -…
Conditions: A brisk 20° perfect weather to get better! Warm-Up (WOR): Indian run to the football field (Maaco tried turning it into the Olympics, apparently). – 20 SSH IC -…
WARMUP: SSH, Imperial walkers, Weed Pickers, WindMill, SGs and PH. THE THANG: Designed to be done with 30-40 pound weights. AMRAP: – 15 lunges – Run 2 laps – 15…
WARMUP: SSH, WP, CH squats & merks, SG’s, Phelps THE THANG: 5 rounds, various stuff, with some running. See pic MARY: Yep, she was there ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood 🩸 drive 1/31…
WARMUP: SSH, IW, CHS, AC, MO THE THANG: 3 beatdown areas 1-2-3. Divided up total Pax for each area then switched by airhorn every 12 minutes. (1) Bear Crawl between…
WARMUP: yes-the usual THE THANG: partner exercises. One works out with the bell while the other runs. Then vice versa. MARY: yes ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive and something else COT: Softspots…
Honeypot’s best day of the year.. showed up in a big ass tractor plow he ripped off of a farm on his way in, and broke his ultimate losing strike…
WARMUP: Jog to Chat Tech for SSH, Weedpickers, Wind Mills, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead squats, Sun gods, and Michael Phelps THE THANG: Mozy to Chat Tech and partnered up…
Warmo: Traffic circle special with monkey humpers for the arriving charter bus The Thang: Pt 1: Shake and Bake Down the Back Stretch Pt 2: Choose your own loop adventure…
WARMUP: SSH, WPs, Merkins, SunGods, Phelps THE THANG: Tabata 45 seconds of random exercises and 20 second rest. After 3 exercise sets run the stairs. MARY: no time ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood…
WARMUP: THE THANG: 🏃 + 🔩🏋️🔩 MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: 🙏, Coffeeteria was