AO: Redline
When: 07/30/2023
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names: Coco, E-tool, Lt. Dan, Sega, Skytron, Turtlehead,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Turtlehead
THE THANG: Ran from Waffle House to Bells Ferry via Wyngate Parkway. PAX was introduced to some new hills. Sega forget his shoes after watching a show about a lady who eats toilet paper. Interesting time in the Sega household.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Area 51 1/2 Marathon and Lt. Dan is bringing back Ronin for his 2nd Anniversary Q. AO vs AO next Saturday.
COT: Lt. Dan house hunt. E-Tool had something but forgot. Coffee-teria in Waffle House