AO: Stoneclad

When: 01/18/2024


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: 8-Bit, Baby Ruth, Flatline, Lively, Mulligan, Ozark, Tulip,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lively

WARMUP: short 2 lap run around the parking lot to get a little warmer followed by
15 side straddle hops
10 weed pickers
10 windmills
10 copperhead squats
Oyo sun gods

Short mosey to grab some coupons

THE THANG: let everyone know as we are getting coupons that there is a prize for getting the smallest coupon and Baby Ruth won the prize by using Thor’s Hammer for a bit

Here we go Vikings! Needed to bring out everyone’s inner Viking with this Viking inspired workout

– Battleaxe swings (simulating with a coupon): 2 minutes
  – Viking presses (shoulder press with a coupon): 2 minutes
  – Shield wall merkins (wide position merkin): 2 minutes
  – Hammer curls (bicep curls with a coupon): 2 minutes
  – Rest: 2 minute (repeat circuit twice)
15 second rest period to shake off set before moving to next

Bring coupons back with over head carry
Lunge back to the flag
Low plank 1 minute
High plank 1 minute
Heel touches until the end
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bloodhound burritos for half marathon
COT: We are Vikings

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