AO: Roundabout
When: 05/02/2023
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names: Hustler, Mansplain, P-body, Small World, The Count,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Hustler
Today we did a Murph: 1 mile, 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats and 1 mile again. With the 2 COT’s and warm-ups I did not get a full Murph in but got close. I think The Count got a full one in. #strong.
It was awesome to see Mansplain out again. He runs like the wind.
In the COT we talked about the challenges of May with all the family events — birthdays, graduations, Mother’s Day, anniversaries, weddings, etc. I was reminded of the Old Sage Chubbs, who said to “not be that guy” at the holidays who has to be dragged into the celebration. Instead be that guy who leads the celebration and understands what a blessing and a gift it is that we have these things to celebrate. Step up. Be a man. Lead. I know I will try to do that as I have my wife’s birthday, our 25th wedding anniversary, Mother’s Day and a work trip to Washington, D.C., all in a five-day span next week. Pray for me!
We also talked about the May Merkin Challenge, and most of us (except me) got in our 162 at least for the day. Keep it up! Trust me, you don’t want to be like me last year, trying to stuff 400 merkins into each of the last three days!
Men of the Roundabout: Good Work!