AO: Crossroads

When: 08/12/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Carmen SanDiego, Duggar, Happy Ending, Misty, Wiggum,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Happy Ending

1 mile mosey around school

Mission; core principles; disclaimer

Warm Up

20 reps of each exercise followed by 5 burpees after each:

Crunchy Frog; American Hammer; LBCs; Freddy Mercuries; BigBoys

The Thang

Bring coupons to play ground

5 pullups

5 squat thrusters

10 incline merkins

10 decline merkins

10 curls

repeat 5 XS, then rifle carry coupon to parking lot, put down and run stretch of awning, and back for another round.

Brought coupons back, and we did 4 sprints half of parking lot.

Finished with 2 minutes of Marys, and ended with COT

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