AO: Blacktop
When: 11/06/2023
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names: Matchstick, Sega, Spider Ball, Uncle Dick, Wastewater,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Wastewater
WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot and circle up. SSH, IW, 40 single count Weed Pickers at the request of Sega, MP, SG, Flamingo…
THE THANG: Mosey to front sign, for Belgian Split Squats and Dips. start with 20 reps, then 15, then 10 and then 5.
Mosey to Killamylunga. start at first street light and WasteWalker up to next light, planking for 10 count after each 5th rep, (double count).
Grab a rock. 4 sets of curls and BOR.
Wastewalker and Plank to next street light, Grab a rock, 4 sets of Overhead press, switching rocks between sets.
WasteWalker to next street light.
Mosey to flag. 5 burpees.
MARY: Merkins, flutter kicks, freddie Mercury’s and leg raises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Speed For Need, Holiday Lights of Hope Setup, food drive.
COT: yep.