AO: WarTowne
When: 02/11/2023
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names: Big Papi, Cinnabon, Farm Country, Wastewater,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Big Papi/Wastewater
The Pax were limited in numbers due to the annual Guns n Hoses race at Hobgood that pushed us on the road to the Apex.
The 4 of us were joined by 2.0’s Ravenclaw & Yoshi
WOR (SSH, WP’s, Imp Walkers, Cop Merkins, Cop Squats, Sun Gods & Mike Phelps OYO)
Thang- SANDBAG Day! Twelve reps of first exercise pictured then a lap around band trailers, on to the 2nd exercise, etc.
Once we completed the full set, we partnered up and as one partner ran, the other AMRAP’d the first exercise. We switched off and went until about 40 min after.
We then kept same partners and as one ran a lap around parking lot in one direction, the other farmer carried two sandbags in the other direction. Once they met up, they switched jobs but no directions, doing the same until they met up again. This continued for 6 passes of the bags.
We then completed step ups for one min, dips for one min, calf raises for one min
Mary for the last 5 min (Yoshi- Monkey Humpers, FC- Crunchy Frogs, Cinnabon- American Hammers, Ravenclaw- V-Ups)
COT- 6th man(?) Ravenclaw
Prayers for Cinnabon’s 2.0, Topless & Big Papi’s Stepmom’s health, & for Ravenclaw to stop getting yelled at by Big Papi
😀 🙂