AO: Roundabout
When: 03/21/2023
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names: Nano, P-body, Small World, The Count,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: P-body
Today it was beatdown day at the Roundabout. So i decided to bring some music to guide our workout.
We started off with a mozzy out of the parking lot, down towards the basketball court, around the roundabout, then back to the basketball.
- 15 side straddle hops
- 10 weed pickers
- 10 Copperhead squats
- Micheal Phelps, on your own
The Thang
First we Mozzyed to basketball court for BEARWAY TO HEAVEN, playing stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin.
Next, we mozzyed to the pavillion. Everyone did a plank during the verses then american hammers during the chorus, playing American Pie.
After, we mozzyed to the nearest tennis court. Everyone stood in the inside line of one of the courts. As the song plays, go to the other inside mark to the flow of the song, playing Blue Orchid.
Next we mozzyed to the playground. Here we did Big Boys while the person isn’t singing, then mountain climbers while the person is singing, playing Paranoid
We headed back to the parking lot and did borad jumps and escalating SSHs to The Count’s song choice Welcome to the jungle.
To finish it off we did a quick merry then circled up for the-
The Count shared as six-man then we balled it up and prayed it out.