AO: Kodiak

When: 03/27/2023


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Duggar, Harp, Legionnaire, Misty,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Misty

Lots of storms in the area overnight and in the morning, so keeping a close eye on the radar and sky leading up to startex, but much like Saturday the lord wanted to make sure we got our work in for the day and graced us with a window to get it in.

Moseyed over to the middle school and circled up for the warm-o-rama. Weed pickers, imperial walkers, sun gods (not in cadence), straight into michael phelps.

With spring break a week out, the plan was to get in some ab work and what better way to do that than a Bruce Lee routine. 6 exercises, 20 reps each. Order and actual exercises performed are debatable, but the plan was American hammers, Dolly, LBCs, Heel touches, Crunchy frogs, and Big Boi Sit Ups. After finishing, take a lap around the bus parking lot, pick up the 6 and begin the next round. Did this for 3 rounds and after lots of grumbling and complaining moved over to the front parking lot for 11s. Merkins and squats running from one side of the parking lot to the other.

Moseyed back to the parking lot and wrapped up on time to enjoy the Caramel Machiatto that Legionnaire brought. Smelled and tasted delicious!

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