AO: Flight Deck

When: 10/03/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Blowfish, Lewis and Clark, Mountain Dew, Pink Slip, Scamper, Snot Rocket, Test Tube,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Snot Rocket

WARMUP: SSH,WP IC. Sun gods OYO, Michael Phelps OYO
THE THANG: Technical difficulties had YHC starting 2 minutes late. (Thanks Scamper for reminding me of my failure , repeatedly) Speaker with music from my phone going . iPad with another speaker using a WOD timer failed. Idea was to use the timer(all sitting at the end with coupons there too to play with) to run down sidewalk, then when she says ‘halfway there’ turn around . We couldn’t hear it. YHC just counted 15 seconds and called ‘turn around’. PAX were to push on way out , cool down on way back. Timer was 30 seconds run, and 1:15 working with the coupon or body weight at the station . YHC called the moves for 45 min. Some involved monkey humpers for the cobb county commuters. One involved a pickle pointer while hands resting on the coupon. That was horrid! The fast PAX got 2 miles in. YHC got 1.5 as i’m slower but we all pushed and many a mumblechatter were had. Test Tube loves to bring up his favorite phrase, Frothy Discharge.
MARY: none
COT: Prayers for Pink Slip MIL for favorable blood test results. Prayers for Scamper new job starting friday. Prayers for Blowfish with work / family balance.

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