AO: Crossroads

When: 02/11/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Carmen SanDiego, Misty, Olan Mills, Pelosi, Wiggum,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Misty

Thanks to Wiggum’s heads up that he’d be joining us a bit late, which is better than all you slackers that didn’t post at all this morning, we took a long mosey to the front of the school for warm-o-rama so he could find us.

After some weed pickers, sun gods (never doing those in cadence again), side straddle hops, and goofballs, moseyed to the back of the school, picking Wiggum up along the way.

The Thang:

Run to the playground and perform 11 pull-ups, run to the far side of the basketball court (yes, on the inside) and perform 22 crunchy frogs. Reduce pull-ups by 1 count each time while reducing crunchy frog count by 2. If that’s too hard just do twice as many crunchy frogs as pull-ups each time.

Next up was See ya when I see ya. Partner up and run in opposite directions around the big loop. When you pass your partner perform 10 hand release merkins together.

After a few laps of this we returned to the flag for exactly 6 minutes of Mary, which consisted of Big Boi Sit Ups, Wheezy Jeffersons, Copperhead Squats (not mary BTW), Flutter Kicks and some Absolution. Oh, plus 5 burpees thrown in there randomly at one point by a PAX not named Super Dave. Not cool.

Music. Check. Theme. Check. 2+ miles covered. Check. Crossroads guarantee fulfilled!


Prayed for Bloodhound’s family and shared gratitude for this group. Challenged the guys present today to stick with the part of the peer led principle “in rotating fashion” and encouraged them to grab a Q. And sign up for something to have a goal to work toward. Tons of stuff going on, much of it free, and always a great group to help you prepare and be there by your side as you complete whatever utterly stupid challenge someone talked you into.


Went back to the OG Crossroads playlist with an assortment of Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony


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