AO: Crossroads
When: 07/19/2024
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names: Bloodhound, Dandy, FMB (Fire Marshal Bill), Misty, Rest Stop,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Rest Stop
WARMUP: short mosey and the usuals
THE THANG: #1 Burp Back Mountain – partner up, 1 partner runs down the hill and back up backwards 3X while Partner 2 is doing Burpees..100 total..cumulative count..switch after run
#2 Curls for the Girls – same hill, P1 does curls while P2 is running down and up hill 3X. 300 cumulative count…switch after run
#3 Cindy Crawfords
Mosey to play ground where we did 5 rounds of the following:
5 Pull ups
10 Merkins
15 Squats
20 LBCs
25 Leg Raises
Time running low, made it at least 3 rounds..Misty maybe 4. Mosey to flag..
MARY: just enough time to sit on the asphalt
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes..lots..check slack
COT: Bloodhounds brother, White Claws Dad, Super Dave’s Dad and E-Tool