AO: Armory

When: 01/13/2023


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Backdraft, Lt. Dan, Tenderloin, The Count,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Tenderloin



15-        Side Straddles Hops

10-        Tempo Merkins*

10-        Flutter Kicks Double Count

10-        Little Baby Arm Circles Forward

10-        “                “          Backward

10-        Hallujahs

10-       Knoxville Cherry Pickers*

20 Sec. Samson Hold*

PHELPS it out

10-       Willie Mayes Hayes



“Card’s Run and Repeat”


5-        Burpees  – We suggest a moment of silence for our brother Cardinal after completing this first set. -Rampart                                                                Burpee Counter 10

Big Boys

Heels to Heaven

Run to the sign and repeat (each run to the sign is 160 meters)


10-        Burpees                                                 Burpee Counter 30

Little Baby Crunches

Mt. Climbers Double Count

Run to the sign and repeat


15-        Burpees                                                 Burpee Counter 60

Air Squats

Freddy Mercury’s

Run to the sign and repeat

When you return hold squat until all Pax have finished


As a group if there is time


20-        Burpees                                                 Burpee Counter 100


Run to the sign and repeat (1,200 meters compleat which is ¾ of a mile)



Total of         100-        Burpees

10-        Big Boys

10-        Heels to Heaven

20-        Crunches

20-        Mt. Climbers

30-        Air Squats

30-        *Air Bike rides

¾-        Mile run


Pearls on a string with some sprints mixed in


COT- prayers said announcements given.

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