AO: Roundabout
When: 05/30/2023
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names: Blarney, Hustler, P-body, The Count,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: P-body
For Q’s choice day at the Roundabout I decided to play some frisbee. Oh Yea, and a ton of burpees. We began with a mozzy to the far tennis court. Here we circled up for the-
20 SSHs
10 Merkins
10 Copperhead Squats
The Thang
We split up to the four corners of the court and tossed the frisbee back and forth to practice our throwing. If anyone dropped the frisbee, we had to do 3 burpees each.
Once we were throughly warmed up, we headed over to the small field to play some 2v2 Ultimate. After every 3 or 5 points we switched the teams to keep it interesting then just before time we mozzyed back.
On the way, we had to toss around the frisbee and, if somone didn’t catch it, we all had to do a burpee, then carry on. Once we got back, we circled up for the-
The Count shared as six-man then we balled it up and prayed it out.