Monthly 5k 2020
We are bringing back the monthly 5k for another round of fun with some (hopefully) improvements. Here are the details:
To be held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at 6 pm,
The monthly 5k will take place in an alternating fashion between the North and the South Side (Lion’s Den guys can jump in and plan one in their area as well since you are neither north or south, but just right). Courses can be at AO’s to showcase your favorite AO, through the woods, down the streets, you name it but it needs to be 3.1 miles
For January the fastest time will take home the trophy and get the opportunity to plan the next month’s course.
For the rest of the year, the trophy and planning rights will be passed to the person who has the largest decrease in 5k time (or least amount of increase if no one beats the previous months)
The trophy will only be passed at the race on the 2nd Saturday of the month, so if you want the glory, you have to find a way to make it to the first option. If you want the competition and challenge, come to either option.
If you miss a month, no worries, you will basis it off your last completed month’s time.
If someone doesn’t start until later on in the year, then that is there times starting point for the year
The final winner of the trophy (to be handed out at the December race) will be the PAX with the largest drop in time from his first race and the December race.
To be eligible, the PAX must have posted at a minimum of 5 races (including the December race) throughout the year.
The 2020 December course will be a repeat of the 2020 January course, so Grylls better put on a good race.
1st RACE: January 11th at 6 pm Starting at the Reformation in Canton. Get on the Monthly 5k Channel for up to date details.