F3Cherokee has grown much more than I could have imagined over the last year. It has grown because the Pax are HIMs and true leaders in the community. With that growth, the Leadership team is changing and expanding.
If you have not heard, F3 Nation has recruited our man Carmen Sadiego to take over as IT Q for the Nation. TCLAPS to HIM. As a result he is stepping down as Comz Q. Panhandle has stepped upt to take over as Comz Q. He will be in charge of maintaining communication, facebook, twitter, etc. Carmen will still maintain our website and slack channel.
Homeboy is stepping down as 1st F and Expansion Q. He has effectively served in that role since planting the Paragon 2 years ago. Without his leadership, F3 Cherokee may have still just been a M-W Kodiak and Saturday Hurt Locker thing. Please give him a big thanks for his leadership and all the work he has spent helping plant new AOs. If you did not know, he has also been the driving force behind launching regions in Bentonville, Arkansas, Kansas City, and West Cobb. TCLAPS for all your hard work HB.
Please welcome Gut Check as our new Expansion Q. He is our one and only 2019 HIM of the Year and based on his leadership at the Clinic and WoodstockRucks he will be fully capable to fill Homeboy’s big Saucony trail shoes. Gut Check will be the man to go to if you need any help in starting a new beatdown.
1st F Qs – These Qs are going to be men ready to help develop Q’s for beatdowns and assist site Qs to ensure our beatdowns remain true to the 5 core principles of F3. Please welcome Cricket and Exile as 1st F Qs.
2nd F Qs – These Qs are ready to help with the fellowship. The goal is to continue to grow in fellowship with each other because friendships really are the glue that hold us together. 2nd F Qs are going to help plan socials and get togethers. Trill is joining Alcoa as 2nd F Qs.
3rd F – Service to others is really what the 3rd F is all about. As a region we can have a huge impact on our community just by living 3rd. With Panhandle taking on additional Comz Q responsibilities, Jack Bauers is stepping up to help as 3rd F Q.
Babyface is remining on as Weasel Shaker. He keeps track of the Q Sheet, prepares the preblast and news letter. He is also keeps an eye on the workout numbers and ensures we are following addition by division.
Remember, none of the leadership positions means anything other than to help the Pax. The Pax are the true leaders of F3 Cherokee and its all of our jobs to step up and lead. As long as we are following the 5 core principles and accelerating, we are F3
See You in the Gloom.