06/15/2022 - League - Trick Shots

Normal boundaries will exist except you can take as many steps out of bounds to chase down an over throw but you MUST jump toss it back inbounds for it…

04/09/2022 - League - Pre-League Tabata BD

Trying out some pre-League BDs to get more League guys involved deeper into the F3 community. Warm-o-Rama Started in Seqouyah Park parking lot. Mosey to upper playground. IC Side Straddle…

03/02/2022 - League - UF Wed

UF but able to run back on the pull, until tagged. great to see everyone today. Love our community, but not so hot on Peffercorn trying to kiss everyone.

02/23/2022 - League - Capture the Disc!

Capture the Disc Field split on the 50 and disc was placed in each endzone circle. First to the circle yelled “Ultimate” and then we played Ultimate until someone scored.…