12/18/2024 - League - HO HO HO!!

THE THANG: 3 rules: – Do merkins on the throwoff depending on yardage. – Do 2 merkins for everytime you drop the frisbee – A thrower can yell “HO HO…

03/27/2024 - League - Verry Merkin Berthday

WARMUP: Throwin and stuff THE THANG: Second chances, butterfingers, and extra points for Merkins ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: Prayers for @shawshank’s family, a lot of loss and illness shared today. Prayers for…

03/20/2024 - League - So many points

WARMUP: Tossed the Frisbee around THE THANG: Throwing a forehand for a score was worth 2 points. Throwing a hammer for a score was worth 3 points. Pulls were allowed…

12/27/2023 - League - Redlines

WARMUP: we threw THE THANG: It Rained and we played with red lines, a 2 pt option existed MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: CONVERGENCE SAT COT: prayers for SHow’s cousin, and Luka travels…

11/22/2023 - League - 21

WARMUP: whats that THE THANG: 1st hour played to 21 using marks on field for extra pts, 2nd hour over old heads v young guns MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: football tomorrow COT:…

08/23/2023 - League - Times Two VQ

WARMUP: THE THANG: +2 pts past 40 +2pts thru field goal MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: prayers for Doinks leg and Tinys friends grandmother and family MVP: 🏆 Lurch (Jinxy has