12/18/2024 - League - HO HO HO!!

THE THANG: 3 rules: – Do merkins on the throwoff depending on yardage. – Do 2 merkins for everytime you drop the frisbee – A thrower can yell “HO HO…

08/17/2024 - League - TIMING!

WARMUP: THE THANG: MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tiny and chalk are headed to Barry next week. Wednesday will be there last day. COT: The Bus has had much loss in his family.…

12/27/2023 - League - Redlines

WARMUP: we threw THE THANG: It Rained and we played with red lines, a 2 pt option existed MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: CONVERGENCE SAT COT: prayers for SHow’s cousin, and Luka travels…

11/22/2023 - League - 21

WARMUP: whats that THE THANG: 1st hour played to 21 using marks on field for extra pts, 2nd hour over old heads v young guns MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: football tomorrow COT:…

06/15/2022 - League - Trick Shots

Normal boundaries will exist except you can take as many steps out of bounds to chase down an over throw but you MUST jump toss it back inbounds for it…