When: 06/20/2024
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names: Casper, Happy, Mudflap, SPLISH SPLASH, Vinyl,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Happy
WARMUP: 2 lap mosey, then attempt at warm up
Every time happys 2.0 showed insubordination, everyone took a lap. We hit 2 miles today at the Night Train.
THE THANG: 40 step ups, 20 merkins, 20 dips then lap. 2 xs
Game time.
4 cones placed in field. Everyone took turns trying to hit a cone w/ frisbee. Before throwing, thrower picked an exercise, number for that exercise , and another pax. If thrower hit intended cone, person did exercise. If thrower missed, they did exercise
A few rounds
Bomb squad. IYKYK
MARY: American hammers
COT: splish splash’s wife, happys pregnant wife