AO: League
When: 12/21/2024
Number of Pax: 29
Pax Names: Achilles, Bandana, Beef Stew, Brimstone, buttercup, Chalk bag, chew toy, Denim, Eppi, Garfield, Hidden Valley, Jhorts, JoJo the Clown, Mr. Rogers, P-body, Pegleg, Pony Boy, Pulte, rabbi, Reverb, Roll Tide, Scoby, Show Pony, Shrek, Snapchat, Spit Valve, THE Bus, Tuck N' Roll, Westside,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Shrek, Tuck N’ Roll
Fantastic play out there gentleman! It was great to have enough numbers to split to four teams. MVP went to @Achilles with honorable mention the Showpony for splitting a frisbee in half! Awesome to see the bus out there healthy after surgery. Prayers for beef stew to be up and running full speed by tomorrow. Y’all have a wonderful Christmas! Such an honor to be out there with everybody