AO: Clinic
When: 01/27/2023
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names: Lasso, Rojas, Snow White, Steeplechase, Uncle Dick,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Rojas
Mosey around the amphitheater and back down to the stage. Circled up for:
SSH x 15 IC
Weed Pickers x 10 IC
Copperhead Squats x 10 IC
Michael Phelps OYO
Before starting the BD, PAX was given two options.
- Go out for a run around the neighborhood (Steeplechase was delighted when YHC mentioned running)
- Carry on with BD as planned.
After all voted we ended up with a tie. It was up to YHC to decide so Option 2 won!
The Thang
BD was divided into 4 different set of exercises.
- Partner up. Two cones placed approx. 100 yards apart. (Start and Finish Line)
Partner 1 ran to the end cone, perform 5 burpees, back to first cone and then caught up to partner.
Partner 2 performed Broad Jumps (modified with Lunges) all the way to second cone until Partner 1 caught up and picked up where Partner 2 left off. Then switched until both Partners made it to the Finish Line. We did 2 rounds!
- Toe taps on the curb (20 reps IC) followed by 15 Merkins. 4 Sets Total.
- Transitioned to the amphitheater stairs and two more exercises were performed.
Dips at the bottom of the stairs and Mike Tysons up top. The count started at 2 reps per exercise and increased by 2 every time the exercises were repeated.
- To finalize the BD and with 5 minutes left, we proceeded to perform:
- 4 Arm Raises + 1 Merkin + Lap
- 8 Arm Raises + 2 Merkins + Lap
- 12 Arm Raises + 3 Merkins + Lap
- 16 Arm Raises + 4 Merkins + Lap
- Ran out of time but PAX killed it!!!
Count, Name-O-Rama, 6th man, Announcements, Prayers!!!