My F3 journey began on August 8th, 2015. Due to an injury, I had to take a short 6 month hiatus early in my story, but once I returned in May of 2016, this thing called F3 began to be apart of my life on a weekly basis. Every Thursday (Rubicon) and Saturday (Widow Maker) I would make the trip down to Alpharetta. Eventually, in Early September of 2016, I convinced my neighbor (Bloodhound) to ride down with me one Saturday morning to help get ready for an upcoming Spartan race. Within a few weeks he was hooked and tired of riding down to Alpharetta, and on one of our trips down sparked the idea that we should look at starting an F3 workout near home. By January of 2017, I got the wheels in motion, and on February 27, 2017, we planted our first flag in what would eventually become known as The Kodiak at Creekview High School. We planted the flag that morning with the help of a few Alpharetta guys, but the F3 Cherokee Redwoods that were present on day one (including myself) were Bloodhound, C-4, Lawdog, and 2 FNGs (Cricket & Banjo). From that morning the spark that would begin to grow into a county consuming fire was set.
We planted our second flag at the outset of 2018 in the Sequoyah High School Parking Lot and despite the best efforts of many (cough, mostly Homeboy, cough cough) the Paragon has continued to thrive. By the time we celebrated the 1 year anniversary of The Kodiak we continued to plant, grow, and serve throughout the northern half of Cherokee and knew it was time to not only expand to Woodstock, but also to break free from Alpharetta and become our own region. On July 4th, because it was only fitting, we declared our IndepenDANCE, and became F3 Cherokee. Our own free-standing region that began as just a singular thought by a few men. In one year’s time, at our first Birthday, we celebrated with well over 100 men, including representatives from the Nation. And here, a year later we continue to plant, grow, and serve this county in ways that I never thought possible.
When I started working out with F3 in 2015, it was exactly that, a workout. I didn’t have any thought of 3rd F’s. I didn’t need to meet more guys, I had my life and I was set. But since then I have met the men that I want my son to grow up to be and the type of men that I want my daughter to marry. I have witnessed a random assortment of men come together for the betterment of this county by raising THOUSANDS of dollars for school supplies, those battling illnesses, and even help purchase a VAN. I have seen the men in my community grow as leaders. I have witnessed men push themselves to complete all night tasks that they would have never thought about touching, if not for this thing called F3. We have hosted events such as The 3rd 500 and a GrowRuck. And that has only really been in the last 3 and a half years. I thank you all for what I have had the awesome chance to witness and be apart of.
It is now time for me to step down from my leadership post. I love where we have come from, but I love more where we will go, and where you guys will lead us. I have faith in the men that are stepping up to steer the ship and have no doubt that we have nothing but great things to come. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of the leadership group and thank you ALL for being apart of my life.